The Bangabasi college magazine (1905) V 3, No 4 / Bangabasi college magazine committee

1) The Month (pp.29-33) Editorial ~ Information & Activities 2) Enocharden Annie's Consultation of the Bible: notes and Illustrations (pp.54-57)/ Banerjee , Lalit kumar Enoch Arden by Tennyson ~ English Poetry - Critical Apprisal 3) College Graduates in Arts (pp.58-61) M.A. Examination Result (1898-1904) ~ B.A. Examination Result (1897-1905) 4) Passes at the F.A. Examination , 1905 (pp.62-63) Results of F.A. Examination 5) The College Staff (pp.64) Tutorial Staff ~ Principal ~ G.C.Bose 6) Bangabasi College Magazine: notice (pp.64) Editorial End Note ~ Managerial end Note

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